Trading energy CFDs products
Crude oil is mainly classified as American oil, generally known as West Texas Light Crude Oil (WTI) and British Petroleum, or Brent crude oil. Finalto provides you with two crude oil spot transactions, West Texas Light Crude Oil (WTI-NYMEX) and Brent Crude Oil (BRENT-IPE)
West Texas Light Crude Oil (WTI-NYMEX)
All crude oil produced in the United States or sold to the United States is priced with WTI as the benchmark. The crude oil futures contract has good liquidity and high price transparency. It is one of the three benchmark prices in the world crude oil market.
Brent crude oil (BRENT-IPE)
BRENT crude oil is the core of today's global crude oil pricing system and is considered a "highly flexible tool to avoid risks and conduct transactions." About 70% of international crude oil trade directly or indirectly uses the prices generated in the Brent market system as the price benchmark.